Monday, 23 January 2012


I'm a bit preoccupied about my sense of smell at the moment. I wasn't really expecting it to come back after my operation. In fact, usually with this sort of op. apparently, you can lose this sense for a while. So to actually smell things at this time is a real bonus.

It does make the world less monochrome. At last I can smell what my home smells like (we moved there three years ago and I never knew what it smelt like - I'm pleased to report that it smells quite nice - not a bad smell anyway). And food cooked by my husband has proved a revelation. It tastes wonderful!! (Not that it ever tasted bad!!). And funnily enough, I don't seem to be eating so much of it at any one time, because I take longer savouring the taste. Before, and I hate to say it, everything tasted bland. Now I appreciate what wonderful meals I have been getting.

Even smelling the dog is wonderful. She is 7 years old now, and I've really only smelt her a couple of times in her life; both times were for a very short time indeed. Now, every day, I take pleasure in smelling my dog - daft, isn't it?

Of course, sometimes places or things that I have always thought might smell nice can be a bit of a disappointment. I went to Morrison's today, fully convinced that I would smell wonderful things - like bread being baked, cleaning liquid smells, fruit and vegetables - but no, hardly any smell, or maybe I wasn't trying hard enough.

Just to be able to breathe through both nostrils is a joy. Unless you have been through this kind of experience, I don't think you can fully understand. I have met people who say they understand because they've had a bad cold and blocked nose - but it's not really the same. At least with cold you can get some relief by using a steamer  and breathing in or using a nasal spray - with polyps blocking a nostril, they just is no relief at all, and it can go on for years!!

I'm at last sleeping well and all night through. With the nose blocked, I was sleeping with my mouth open and waking up several times a night, either because I was dry or I woken myself up snoring. And then in the morning, I had to deal with a sandpaper tongue and snot etc coming down the back of my throat - Lovely!

I feel very thankful at the moment for the skill of surgeons and for our NHS; for a loving and caring husband, who has put up with so much; for friends from the Church who have been so supportive and prayed for me; and for those within my Church who could see beyond my health problems and given me the opportunity to work within the Church.

I really have a lot to be grateful for.

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