Monday 25 February 2013

Cholesterol, Snoring and Writing

Nearing the end of February and I did promise myself that I would write once a month, only I had a tummy bug last week, which lasted for a few days, and my mind was on other things (if you get my meaning!). So, here goes.

It’s been a good month generally. I had my blood test result for my thyroid and cholesterol. The thyroid level has stayed the same and my cholesterol level is 6.9, which I thought was rather high. I did query this with the doctor, as I had to see him about my fantastic snoring (more later). He told me that my ‘good’ cholesterol was 2 and indicated that my diet was good. When they run it through a programme which works out all the risks, apparently, I come out as low risk. However he did agree with me that I should cut out the amount of tea/coffee I was having as that can increase cholesterol levels, and 8 cups of caffeine drinks was too much.

My first marked assignment came back from the Writers Bureau – from a tutor called Alex Gazzola. Apparently, I can write and he liked my style. I was pleased with his comments. I'm currently working on the second assignment, which is infinitely more challenging. I'm hoping to send it to him next week, God willing. I have to say I'm enjoying the challenge.

Alex also mentioned that I should broaden my reading of magazines and newspapers, which I'm duly doing. I have to say that it has livened my reading quite a bit. I think I had got into a bit of a rut. Not any-more!

Now we are fully into Lent, I have given up, for the whole period of Lent, computer games on Facebook. I can’t say it was an easy decision, but I am finding that I have more time to do things and my eyes are less sore. It was rather over-occupying my time and when I want to do this writing course and accomplish something, something else had to go. I do wonder whether I will go back to the same games again – we shall see.

With the weather being as it has been (cold and wet), going anywhere scenically interesting has not been an option really this month. We did however go to Exceat and walked through part of Friston Forest, before going across the road and near the Cuckmere. Back to the cafe for a tea and chocolate cake (bang goes the diet:( ).

I did say I would mention my snoring, which I actually went to the doctor to discuss rather than cholesterol levels. I am relegated to the small bedroom, as I am keeping both husband and dog awake at nights. The ultimate disgrace was when Jessie walked up the bed and tapped me on the shoulder – I think I must have been really spooking her. The doctor has told me to tell the ENT specialist next time I see him (in April). Meanwhile, he suggested that I should lose some weight – about 1 ½ to 2 stone – not easy when you’re on steroids!

On the church front, I had the enormous pleasure on being involved in the publishing on the first news sheet in quite a while. It’s not perfect – but what is? But I do feel that I have done something very new for me.  Now to continue the work with issue No. 2.

Finally, take a look at our poor lawn in the picture. Alan and I don’t know quite what has happened. We think that it is a result of Alan cutting it rather short late last year. We’ll have to wait and see whether it grows back. Any advice gratefully received.