Friday 19 July 2013

The Starter 50+ Cycler Part 2 - Nerves, Nerves, Nerves

Ok, so now I know how to ride a bike. Except I don't. Riding a bike has an awful lot to do with confidence, of which I don't have in abundance.

I can ride along a straight piece of road where there is no other traffic, no lumps and bumps, no bends and corners, no slopes and no junctions. I can also stop well. I have in fact, intimate knowledge of my brakes because I use them so much. I find hills frightening, turning bends interesting and riding at anything other than a leisurely pace sweat inducing (and not because of the exercise!).

I can only assume at this point that you're muttering under your breath 'it all takes time, stupid'. Yes, I know that. Never having done anything like this before, I do realise that experience is key and that I have to keep going at it.

So, Alan buys a bike rack and we go off to Exceat and I ride in Friston Forest. It is very enjoyable, but I do realise, and not for the first time, that having your husband teach you to ride a bike is like him teaching you to drive a car - if you're not careful,rows ensue. He is an experienced bike rider who has done it since he was a boy; so he get very frustrated that I don't just 'get it' and ride off into the wide blue yonder. So Friston Forest, although reasonably successful has raised other things that concern me, like deep mud ruts, grassy hills and a complicated rack which I would have difficulty using myself.

So what's a girl to do?

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