Tuesday 1 April 2014

Change - Just a Massive Spring Clean!

It is strange how you can go for years, just ticking over; not over happy with how things are style and comfort wise in the house, but relaxed enough to put up with it. Then one small (or maybe, not so small) thing happens, which leads to other things; which leads to yet other things and all of a sudden you feel like you're in the midst of a whirlwind. Change has come into your life and your home like a raging tempest and it will never be the same.

We were suddenly in the position to purchase a new computer. As we had already purchased a smartphone and become aware of WiFi, we decided to go for for a laptop and WiFi printer to go in the study. The computer had previously been in the bedroom, near to a phone point. Moving this equipment really opened up the possibility of sorting out the main bedroom at last, six years after moving into our home in Seaford.

My husband, bless him, turned into Action Man, and commenced preparing the walls for painting - filling holes and removing lumps and bumps. As we had moved the computer etc , it was also deemed an excellent time to get rid of the old filing cabinet and put a new one into the study, giving more space.

My New Study
This of course meant that the files within the filing cabinet  had to be pruned. This was a difficult job for me as I like to keep things from my past - so hard decisions had to be made. Then there were the wardrobes that were there when we moved in. Apart from my clothes, they had also become a hoarding place - so yet more sorting out. In three weeks, Alan must have been taking bags of 'stuff' up to waste site every couple of days, with me feeling ever more miserable as more stuff disappeared.

Now, about a month on, I can see the benefits. We still are waiting for new furniture (more about that another time), but the room looks fresh and clean, with new carpet, the bed in a different position (and both of us sleeping better) and me knowing where most of my paperwork is (at last!).

1 comment:

  1. A difficult and emotional undertaking but one which is obviously well worth it for you. You now almost have the bedroom you want and the office you need. Excellent
